A man walks into a pub and asks the barman for a pint of bitter.
The barman says, 'Bitter's off just now, we're waiting for the dray and a delivery.'
The man says, 'OK then, I'll have a rum and coke.' After drinking his rum and coke, he goes back to the bar and asks again for a pint of bitter.
Once again the barman says that they don't have any, so the man orders a screwdriver.
He drinks his screwdriver. He then goes back and asks yet again for a pint of bitter.
The barman says 'Look, if you take the rum out of a rum and coke, what do you have?' The man replies, 'Coke.'
'If you take the vodka out of a screwdriver, what do you have?' The man replies, 'Orange juice.'
'Now, if you take the flame out of a pint of bitter, what do you have?' The man looks puzzled, 'There is no flame in a pint of bitter.' The barman replies, 'That's what I've been trying to tell you!'


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